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Check out my new iphone…

iPhone 3g

iPhone 3g

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis in lectus accumsan turpis feugiat faucibus. Donec felis orci, tempus ut tincidunt vitae, euismod ac velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam gravida fringilla tortor non porta. Vestibulum sit amet nisl ut urna vehicula eleifend. Duis mollis mi ut lacus venenatis sit amet hendrerit metus condimentum.

Sed sagittis, purus sit amet interdum sollicitudin, eros leo facilisis turpis, dapibus dignissim magna magna vulputate enim. Quisque eget semper nisi. Nunc sed diam adipiscing mi egestas aliquet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


About the author: Matthew Wall


I've played soccer since I could walk thanks to my father and love keeping up on all the latest gear and gab. I'm in my twenties, and I'm lucky enough to have found work in search marketing for a leading soccer retailer after completing my M.A. at Georgetown in 2008. My team is Liverpool, and national side is Ireland, but I've also got a passion for GAA and a number of sports. Feel free to give me a shout on Google+


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  1. We have experience, and a lot of it(!) in good wordpress templates, and this is certainly one. It is a strong design and offers enough difference from apple to stand up on its own. It’s also a theme than can be picked and modified very easily.

    Thanks to the author!

    Paul – AddMyWebsite.co.uk

  2. just testing how it works.

  3. What a perfection!

  4. Well, I bought the theme, now I just got to configure – tonnes of options guys. Think it’s going to take some time to get used to it.